Oprah Winfrey received GLAAD’s Vanguard Award from iconic Chicago performer Chilli Pepper and celebrity host Paolo Presta.

    Oprah got choked up as she spoke about losing her brother Jeffrey to AIDS:
    “Many people don’t know this, but, 35 years ago, my brother, Jeffrey Lee, passed away when he was just 29 years old from AIDS. Growing up at the time we did, in the community we did, we didn’t have the language to understand or speak about sexuality and gender in the way we do now. At the time, I didn’t know how deeply my brother internalized the shame he felt about being gay. I wish he could have lived to witness these liberated times and be here with me tonight.”

    She reminded the world that, today, ‘undetectable = untransmittable,’ stating:
    “In 1996, we met and shared the story of the beautiful young AIDS activist Hydeia Broadbent. When she was just 11 years old she was on the show, and she recently passed away, having used her life empowering others. And she showed us that people living with HIV today, when on effective treatment, can lead healthy lives and do not transmit HIV.”

    She also spoke about ongoing attacks against transgender youth:
    “And just a few years ago, as you saw on the tape, Elliot Page entrusted me to share his joy of being liberated in his transition, which helped open up the understanding of the challenges, the fears, the pressures facing our trans youth today.

    I am proud to support and produce projects centering on LGBTQ storylines through Harpo, through OWN. And I will continue to hire queer and trans filmmakers to bring authentic characters to the screen like nominees here tonight Trace Lysette and our fantastic Hulu series “Black Cake.” And I’m so grateful to be able to work with GLAAD to make sure we get it right along the way because this is what I know, I know, I know for sure- because when we can see one another, truly see one another, when we are open to supporting the truth of a fellow human, it makes for a full, rich, vibrant life for us all.”


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